How to do Marichyasana B, Sage Pose B
Yoga classes in Milton Keynes
Marichyasana B – Sage pose B stretches the hamstrings, opens the hips and stimulates the blood flow in the pelvic region. Due to the pressure of the heel on the abdomen, it stimulates the digestive organs.

1. Bend the left knee and bring the foot as far up as possible on the right thigh, into Half Lotus Pose
1. Sit in Seated Staff Posture. Bend the left knee and bring the foot as far up as possible on the right thigh, into Half Lotus Pose.

2. Exhale and reach the right arm forward past the inner right thigh. Rotate the shoulder internally so that elbow points upward
2. Then bend the right knee and bring the right foot in front of the right sitting bone,with the sole of the foot pressing against the floor and the toes pointing straight forward. Leave 5 to 8 cm (2 to 3 inches) between the right foot and the inner left thigh. Exhale and reach the right arm forward past the inner right thigh. Rotate the shoulder internally so that elbow points upward. Move the right side ribs beyond the inner thigh by pressing the left hand to the floor behind you to maximise this forward lean.
3. Take the right hand out to the right, wrapping that arm round the bent knee. Reach behind your back with your left hand and clasp the left wrist.
4. Exhale and bend forward, bringing the forehead toward the floor. Keep the shoulders parallel to the floor. Keep the front of the torso long and the back straight. Reach the wrists away from the back and lift them up. Stay for 10 breaths or more.
5. Exhale, release the hands, sit up, straighten the legs, then repeat on the other side.
Gaze: Tip of nose.
Build up poses:
- Sage Forward Bend A
- Half Lotus Pose
- Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend
Counter pose:
- Do you not go to the final stage
- Use a belt to link the hands behind the back
- Instead of binding hands behind the back, hold the right knee with both hands and simply sit up straight
Effect: calming
Marichyasana B, Sage Pose B Counter Poses
In yoga we use a counter pose in a sequence; For example, a twist follows a backbend to “neutralise” the spine, or a forward bend follows a backbend to help lengthen the spine and calm the nervous system.