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Qigong & Yin Yoga Evening Workshops for Yoga Studios, Tai Chi and Wellness Centres – from January 2021

Join us for a balancing yin yang practice of Qigong & Yin Yoga; finishing with Yoga Nidra to close the evening. Bring health and balance to your life. Find a fitter, calmer, more focussed you by taking your first steps into the combined practices of Qigong and Yin Yoga in the New year. Qigong brings enlightened awareness into your physical and mental life, while yoga takes you to a place of peace.

As the the new year begins, it makes this the perfect time to cultivate a healthier, happier and more balanced life, setting your path for the whole year ahead.

Lily will take you slowly through the fun and gentle practice of Chinese Health Qigong to boost our Yang Qi energy, and a deep Yin Yoga practice to restore Qi energy flow throughout the body, then transitioning into a relaxing 30 minute Yoga Nidra practice with David—known as yogic sleep—a meditation and conscious relaxation practice that induces total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.

Who is it for?

Qigong and Yin yoga is suitable for ‘every body,’ whether you are new to Qigong & Yoga or a regular yoga practitioner.  

The postures practiced in these styles of qigong & yoga are passive and designed to stimulate the meridian energy pathways and parasympathetic nervous system, inducing a state of mind, body and spirit harmony and balance.

Complete beginners are welcome.

Why Qigong :

Qi : Air, energy, life force, breath, vital energy.

Gong : effort, discipline, skill, movement. 

  • Suitable for any age and any ability, Qigong requires no equipment and is easy to practice anywhere. It strengthens immunity, builds internal stamina, eases chronic illness and relieves common ailments by stimulating the flow of energy Qi.
  • Qigong is a Chinese system of holistic health practice, Qigong brings body, breathing and mind together to perform slow movements, opening the flow of vital energy Qi in meridians.
  • Qigong movements warm tendons, ligaments and muscles; tonify vital organs and connective tissues; improves circulation in the body, helping chronic illness, stress
  • Calms the mental and emotional states
  • Qigong can harmonise, strengthen and have a healing effect on the functioning of the internal organs and bodily systems
  • Qigong is gentle, relaxed, slow, smooth and consistent like flowing water or floating clouds
  • Qigong is an aspect of Chinese medicine as yoga is part of Ayurveda.
  • Historically, yoga and Qigong have different movements and postures and focus, but they both similarly use the breath to move energy and invoke a meditative state. Yoga and Qigong can also be used together to bring a more heightened awareness.

What is Yin Yoga?

  • Yin yoga uses passively held poses, typically for 3 to 5 minutes, to stimulate, align and unblock the bodies myofascial meridian energy pathways restoring Qi energy (prana) and calming the nervous system; bringing the mind, body and spirit back in to balance.
  • Becoming still in a pose and staying for a while creates space, allowing sensations and often unconscious emotions to surface and release from your system. This way you clear the mind without getting caught up in the stories of those emotions.
  • Yin yoga is especially for you if your energy levels are feeling depleted or you if are over-stimulated with your mind overactive or your energy levels erratic.

Benefits of Qigong & Yin Yoga

  • Calms & balances the mind and body
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Increases circulation
  • Improves flexibility
  • Releases fascia and improves joint mobility
  • Balances the internal organs and improves the flow of Qi (prana)


  • Find your appropriate edge: Move slowly and gently into the pose. Don’t go straight to your “maximum” in the pose and never stretch so far as to cause pain
  • Stillness: consciously try to release into the pose, and to remain still, without fidgeting or adjusting position too much