RelaxationSequenceVideo Gentle Sun SalutationSurya Namaskar, the Sanskrit name for ‘salutation to the sun’. Historically, when practiced in any…YOGALILY STUDIO25/05/2020
Nadi Suddhi Pranayama, Alternate Nostril Breathing PranayamaRelaxation Nadi Suddhi Pranayama, Alternate Nostril BreathingNadi Suddhi Pranayama Breath, life and energy are intrinsically connected and yogis have a single…YOGALILY STUDIO01/08/2019
An evening of Yin yoga to Restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra and Guzheng Music nidraRelaxationRestorativeyin An evening of Yin yoga to Restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra and Guzheng MusicJoin us for an evening of Yin yoga to Restorative yoga, Yoga nidra and Live…YOGALILY STUDIO03/02/2019
Restorative Yoga Evening for the Winter Solstice (冬至 dōngzhì) Relaxation Restorative Yoga Evening for the Winter Solstice (冬至 dōngzhì)LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEXT RESTORATIVE YOGA SEASON AS 'SPRING BEGINS' Restorative Yoga Evening for…YOGALILY STUDIO13/12/2017
Viparita Karani, Legs Up the Wall InversionRelaxation Viparita Karani, Legs Up the WallHow to do Viparita Karani or Legs Up the Wall Pose (easy inversion) – restorative yoga…YOGALILY STUDIO05/07/2017
Restorative Yoga for the Summer Solstice (夏至 Xia Zhi) Relaxation Restorative Yoga for the Summer Solstice (夏至 Xia Zhi)Restorative Yoga Evening is now fully booked Yin Meridian Restorative Yoga Evening for the Summer…YOGALILY STUDIO04/06/2017
Restorative Yoga Evening for Vernal Equinox and the Clear & Bright Festival (春分 Chun Fen) Relaxation Restorative Yoga Evening for Vernal Equinox and the Clear & Bright Festival (春分 Chun Fen)The Yin Meridian Restorative Yoga Evening is now fully booked. OUR NEXT RESTORATIVE YOGA SEASON: Follow…YOGALILY STUDIO04/03/2017
RelaxationVideo The Healing Force of NatureThe Healing Force of Nature Nature – "One cannot escape the ups and downs in…YOGALILY STUDIO12/02/2017
Kriyas & MeditationRelaxationVideo Mindful Yoga Awareness Meditation for Complete Relaxation – VideoVideo: Mindful Yoga Awareness Meditation for Complete Relaxation Relaxation for many of us means zoning…YOGALILY STUDIO16/10/2016
Virasana, Hero Pose Kriyas & MeditationRelaxation Virasana, Hero PoseHow to do Virasana, Hero Pose Yoga classes in Milton Keynes & Bletchley Virasana – this…YOGALILY STUDIO08/11/2015