Wide Leg Forward Bend, Prasarita Padottanasana Strength Wide Leg Forward Bend, Prasarita PadottanasanaHow to do Wide Leg Forward Bend: Yoga Standing Posture for Strength & Flexibility Yoga…YOGALILY STUDIO04/11/2013
Locust Pose, Salabhasana Backbend Locust Pose, SalabhasanaLocust Pose, Salabhasana: Yoga Backbends – Hatha Yoga Classes in Milton Keynes with Yoga Lily…YOGALILY STUDIO26/10/2013
Warrior Pose 1, Virabhadrasana 1 BackbendStrength Warrior Pose 1, Virabhadrasana 1How to do Warrior Pose 1, Virabhadrasana 1 Yoga classes in Milton Keynes & Bletchley Virabhadrasana I…YOGALILY STUDIO19/10/2013
Gate Pose, Parighasana Stretch Gate Pose, ParighasanaHow to do Gate Pose, Parighasana: Yoga Stretching Posture Yoga Classes in Milton Keynes Parighasana…YOGALILY STUDIO05/10/2013
Crane Pose, Bakasana Strength Crane Pose, BakasanaCrane Pose: How to Practice Bakasana Arm Balance Bakasana – This arm balance posture, the…YOGALILY STUDIO30/09/2013
Crescent Moon Pose, Anjaneyasana Backbend Crescent Moon Pose, AnjaneyasanaCrescent Moon Pose: Yoga Backbends Anjaneyasana – This backbend posture stretches the muscles at the…YOGALILY STUDIO16/09/2013
Revolved Abdomen Pose, Jathara Parivartanasana Twist Revolved Abdomen Pose, Jathara ParivartanasanaHow to do Revolved Abdomen Pose, Jathara Parivartanasana: Yoga Poses Twists Yoga classes in Milton Keynes…YOGALILY STUDIO30/08/2013
Standing Half Bow Pose, Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana Backbend Standing Half Bow Pose, Utthita Ardha DhanurasanaStanding Half Bow Pose, Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana: Yoga Poses for Balance Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana –…YOGALILY STUDIO13/08/2013
Chair Pose, Utkatasana Strength Chair Pose, UtkatasanaHow to do Chair Pose, Utkatasana Chair Pose, Utkatasana: Yoga Poses for strength Yoga classes in…YOGALILY STUDIO23/07/2013
Sunshine Yoga Gallery Gallery Sunshine Yoga GalleryHatha Yoga at the Peace Pagoda, Willen Lake in Milton Keynes Good morning sunshine! Summer yoga…YOGALILY STUDIO07/07/2013