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Yoga for Men – Beginners Yoga Course


As men we often think that yoga is not appropriate for us as we aren’t naturally flexible. But flexibility is not a prerequisite for yoga. The fact is, men have a lot to gain from yoga and are as welcomed as women in almost every situation. If you are a man who has been wanting to try yoga, here’s the perfect opportunity you need to make that leap in an ALL male small group.

Yoga for Men Beginners Course

Take your first step onto the yoga mat with me (David) in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. On this beginners yoga course you will be introduced to fundamental yoga poses, concentrating on healthy alignment and establishing a deeper awareness of your body through breath, movement and focus. We will build the practice week-by-week and also introduce meditation and relaxation techniques to cultivate a feeling of calm and the ability to better deal with stress. Boost your athletic ability, health and wellbeing, help yourself stay in shape so you can confidently attend a mixed yoga class without feeling out of place.

Course Details

Sweet Nature Health and Wellbeing Centre

  • Starts Tuesday 12 June 2018
  • Time: 6pm – 7pm
  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • Course cost: £60
  • Maximum 6 people

These courses are very popular and spaces are allocated on a first come first served basis, book now to avoid disappointment.

Yoga for Men: Get Into a Better Physical Condition

One yoga class per week can increase endurance, build strength, prevent injuries, and may even stave off heart disease. Men are more into sports and other physical activities that build muscle mass but add to the body’s tightness. Practicing yoga loosens the tightness in the muscles, resulting in flexibility which helps enhance mens physical and mental performance and indulge longer in physical activities by building endurance. Yoga is a full-body workout that creates not only flexibility but also strength which lessens the possibility of injuries caused by sports and similar physical endeavors.
[themeone_accordion active=”” title=”Yoga makes you stronger” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” color=”accent-color1″] Yoga works every little muscle and sinew in your body all at once, training them how to support and work together; unlike repetitive, isolated training of large muscle groups at the gym. You learn how to call on your whole body to accomplish whatever is needed. Achieve greater feats of strength and agility with minimal effort.
[/themeone_accordion] [themeone_accordion active=”” title=”Yoga makes you faster” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” color=”accent-color1″] Yoga gets you connecting with- and controlling your body through every inch of possible movement at a slowed pace. This level of conscious control gives you the ability to move far more efficiently so you get faster. Professional sports coaches and athletes alike use Yoga in training for events such as cycling, tennis, triathlons, football, rugby, rock climbing, even golf…
[/themeone_accordion] [themeone_accordion active=”” title=”Yoga makes you more capable in your body” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” color=”accent-color1″] Yoga helps you get easy in your body – letting go the tension and anxiety that can hold you back. Yoga connects every aspect of you – learning how to take your body, mind and breath in every direction, which in-turn increases speed and endurance. We learn how to adapt, moving effortlessly over and around obstacles, instead of struggling to push directly through them.

A Leaner and More Toned Body

Guys who want to lose their beer bellies can also turn to ‘Yoga for Men‘ to help them acquire a leaner and more toned body. Slow flowing and intense yoga will gradually build firmness and strength in the muscles that are engaged in its various poses. My Strong and Calming Slow Flow Hatha Vinyasa Yoga style will get the heart rate up, get the sweat flowing and definitely help the weight drop. The breathing technique which is an essential element of doing yoga also plays an important part in reducing weight. Yoga teaches you to breath into the belly and not the chest. This exercises your diaphragm muscle and more oxygen is taken into your lungs with each breath. A high supply of oxygen in the body ensures more efficient combustion of foods. Not only does this help you lose weight, it also stops the body being poisoned by undigested wastes.
Find out more about the benefits of yoga and how yoga changes your body, starting the day you begin.


Sweet Nature Health and Wellbeing Centre
Marlborough House, Keller Close, Kiln Farm, MK11 3LL


Before committing to a course, we recommend you can attend the scheduled number of sessions to get the most out of the programme as it is not possible to roll-over or refund classes missed.