Cow Face Pose, Gomukhasana: Yoga Seated, Floor Posture
Yoga Classes in Milton Keynes
Gomukhasana – Looking from above, this posture resembles the face of a cow, with the feet making the horns and knees making the mouth. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) is a simple seated posture that packs in amazing benefits to the body for a single pose. This pose addresses two of the most common areas for chronic pain and tension in the body: the hips and shoulders – Gomukhasana with Yoga Lily, Hatha Yoga Classes in Milton Keynes.
1. Many people benefit by first warming up the hips with Ankle-to-Knee Pose (Agnistambhasana). Sit cross-legged with the left leg in front. Pick up the left leg and place the left ankle on top of the right knee. Position the lower leg so the right ankle is on the floor underneath the left knee and the shinbones will form a triangle with the thighs. Flex the heels of both feet, activating the inner thighs and calf muscles. Let gravity help the left knee release down. To increase hip opening, lean forward and slide the hands along the floor. Stay for one minute, then change sides.
3. Extend your left arm out to the side and rotate the shoulder inward so the palm faces the back and some points down. Bend the elbow and bring the left hand behind the back, Palm facing outward. Stretch the right arm up, rotate the arm from the shoulder so that the thumb points backward, then bend the elbow to clasp the hands behind the back. Move the right elbow back and more to the centre line behind the head and lift the chest.
Take a few breaths, then release the hands, then legs and repeat on the other side.
Gaze: Upward
Build-up poses:
- Easy Seated Pose Forward Bend
- Half Lotus Pose
- Cow Face Forward Fold
Counter Poses:
- Hero Pose, Virasana
- Extended Child Pose, Utthita Balasana
- Seated Staff Posture, Dandasana
Lighten pose:
- Sit on a block or folded blanket
- Hold a belt between the hands and inch the hands together
Effect: Centering
Beginner’s Tip
Beginners often have a difficult time getting both sitting bones to rest evenly on the floor, which can make it difficult for the knees to stack on top of each other evenly. When the pelvis is tilted, the spine can’t properly extend. Use a folded blanket or bolster to lift the sitting bones off the floor and support them evenly.
Modifications and Props
Gomukhasana is a notoriously difficult pose for tight-shouldered people, who aren’t able to hook their fingers together. The simple solution to this dilemma is to hold a strap between the hands.
If you have difficulty sitting cross-legged with your hips on the floor, lighten the pose with a yoga block under your sitting bones.
Cow Face Pose, Gomukhasana Counter Poses
In yoga we use a counter pose in a sequence; For example, a twist follows a backbend to “neutralise” the spine, or a forward bend follows a backbend to help lengthen the spine and calm the nervous system.