How to do Bharadvajasana 2, Half Bound Lotus Twist
Yoga classes in Milton Keynes
Bharadvajasana 2 – This simple seated twist releases stiffness in the upper back and shoulders. While the Half Bound Lotus Twist might be less intense than some, the position of the legs make it more of a challenge for those with tight hips.
1. From Seated Staff Posture (1a), bend the left knee and take foot beside the left thigh. Have the top of the foot on the floor and the toes pointing back. Bend up your right leg (1b). Lift it up high and bring the right ankle high up on the left thigh. Let the knee release down to the floor (1c).

1c. Lift it up high and bring the right ankle high up on the left thigh. Let the knee release down to the floor
2. Draw the abdominal muscles gently in toward the spine as you lengthen the tailbone down towards the floor. Lean backwards slightly and press the sitting bones down.
3. Inhale, raise the right arm in the air. Moving from your lower abdomen, twist to your right. Lengthen as you rotate from your navel toward your right shoulder, then extend from the shoulder through to the fingertips of the right hand. Internally rotate the shoulder, bend the elbow, and bring the arm behind the waist to hold the toes of the right foot.
4. Still twisting, take the left hand across the body and wrap it under the right thigh. Have the inner wrist facing outwards and press as much of the palm to the floor as possible. Spiralling upwards from the lower abdomen, revolve the torso farther right and gaze over the left shoulder. Involve your eyeballs so they look as far around as possible. On each inhalation, lengthen up through the spine, and on each exhalation, twist more.
5. Release on an exhalation. Come back to Seated Staff Posture and repeat on the other side.
Gaze: To the side
Build Up Poses:
- Sage Twist
- Seated Half Spinal Twist
- Cow Posture
- Half Lotus Pose preparations
Counter Poses:
- East Stretch Posture (Upward Facing Dog Pose)
- Double Leg Forward Stretch
- Boat Pose
- Downward Facing Dog Pose
- Press the right hand to the floor behind you
- Grasp a belt looped around the right ankle
- Place the left hand on top of the right knee
Effect: Centring
Bharadvajasana 2, Half Bound Lotus Twist Counter Poses
In yoga we use a counter pose in a sequence; For example, a twist follows a backbend to “neutralise” the spine, or a forward bend follows a backbend to help lengthen the spine and calm the nervous system.