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With classes throughout the week; navigate these unusual times at our in-person and online Yoga and Qigong classes with two of Milton Keynes’ most experienced teachers.

New Starter & Special Offers

New Starter & Membership Deals!


New Starter Offer

First 3 Reformer sessions + FREE pair of Yogalily Studio Grip Socks – Suitable for both beginner and seasoned practitioner.


New Starter Offer

Try any 8 studio/mat sessions over 4 weeks! – Suitable for both beginner and seasoned practitioner (excludes reformer).


Reformer & Studio Packages

Yoga, Tai Chi Qigong, Reformer & Mat Pilates – every week! With our monthly rolling multi- and unlimited memberships.

Reformer Monthly Membership

Recurring Reformer Pilates Memberships

Rolling monthly Reformer memberships – these no contract memberships renew every month until you instruct us to stop. Minimum term 2 months.

Please note that we hold a 24-hour cancellation policy on all Reformer classes.

Reformer Class Passes

Reformer Pilates

Please note that we hold a 24-hour cancellation policy on all Reformer classes.

Reformer & Studio Monthly Memberships

Options to enjoy unlimited access to ALL our classes!

Yoga, Tai Chi Qigong, Reformer & Mat Pilates – every week! With our monthly rolling membership, you can mix up your workouts and stay committed to your wellness. Join us today and experience the full benefits of movement and mindfulness, all in one amazing deal! – Membership renews every month until you instruct us to stop. Minimum term 2 months.

Please note that we hold a 24-hour cancellation policy on all Reformer classes.

Studio Monthly Memberships

Yoga, Pilates Mat & Tai Chi

Rolling monthly memberships – these no contract memberships renew monthly until you instruct us to stop. Minimum term 2 months.

Studio Class Passes

Yoga, Pilates Mat & Tai Chi

Please also read our Terms & Conditions.

T&Cs apply