Eka Hasta Bhujasana, Elephant’s Trunk Pose Blog Post

How to do Eka Hasta Bhujasana, Elephant’s Trunk Pose (One Hand Over Arm Balance) Yoga classes in Milton Keynes Eka Hasta Bhujasana – Having one leg extend away creates a heavy weight…

Revolved Downward-Facing Dog, Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana

Revolved Downward-Facing Dog Pose Blog Post

How to do Revolved Downward-Facing Dog, Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga classes in Milton Keynes Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana – Revolved Downward-Facing Dog is a variation on the popular pose…

Inclined Plane Posture, Vasisthasana

Inclined Plane Posture, Vasisthasana Blog Post

How to do Inclined Plane Posture, Vasisthasana: Strengthening Yoga Arm Balance Vasisthasana – Inclined Plane Posture strengthens the wrists, arms shoulders and abdomen. The final stage also limbers the legs….

Crane Pose, Bakasana Blog Post

Crane Pose, Bakasana: Yoga Arm Balances Bakasana – This arm balance posture, the whole weight of the body rests on the hands. This strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders and abdominal…